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Domestic high-end medical equipment breakthrough cardiac pacemaker dependent on imports of change day

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Release date: 2017-09-01 00:00:00
Source: Henan Meilun Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Recently, the joint venture company of Shanghai Minimally Invasive Medical Devices (Group) Co., Ltd. - a heart-series medical device (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. produced a series of implantable pacemakers officially obtained by the State Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) Approved to become the first domestic with the international advanced quality of the domestic pacemaker.


Implanted pacemaker is currently the only effective way to reduce mortality and improve the quality of life of the treatment of bradycardia. China has about 1 million heart tense patients, the new cases of about 30 to 400,000 people. But because there is no complete grasp of the pacemaker core technology and lack of industrial experience, China's cardiac pacemaker almost entirely dependent on imports, led by Medtronic foreign brands, occupy the main market share.


"Each of our models of pacemakers, than the same level of imported brand pacemaker 20% -30% cheaper." Heart rhythm medical CEO, the central thousands of experts invited experts Wang Li told the first financial reporter, Current pacemaker imports are expensive, with only about 80,000 patients receiving pacing treatment a year.


Medical equipment listed companies are growing across the board


In recent years, the national level has introduced a series of intensive policies to accelerate the localization of high-end medical equipment to encourage independent innovation. Based on this, the medical device industry as a whole technical level, product quality, service levels have been greatly improved.


In the recently held the seventh China Medical Devices Summit Forum, China Medical Device Industry Association executive vice president Jiang Feng said that the past five years, China's medical device industry average growth rate of 15% or so, higher than the average national economic growth over the same period Level.


Data show that as of November 2016, the country has a medical device manufacturing enterprises 15343; a total of two, three types of medical equipment business enterprises 335725 home. In terms of import and export, China's medical equipment trade in 2016 amounted to 38.91 billion US dollars, an increase of 1.1%.


According to statistics, as of April 2017, medical device manufacturers listed companies listed 45. So the domestic medical equipment industry development space is huge. "Jiang Feng said." The capital of the medical device manufacturing enterprises to a higher level.


According to the latest statistics of pharmaceutical listed companies semi-annual report, medical equipment companies in the first half of 2017 almost full line growth. Lepu medical operations in the first half to achieve operating income of 2.183 billion yuan, an increase of 30%. Net profit of 495 million yuan, an increase of 31%; diving medical operating income of 1.861 billion yuan, an increase of 30%. Net profit of 398 million yuan, an increase of 20%.


However, compared to the development of Chinese and foreign medical device industry, we can find that China's medical device industry and the developed countries still have a greater distance, especially in the industrial strategy with a high degree of continuous technological innovation capacity building there is no small gap.


Ministry of Science and Technology released the "thirteen five" medical equipment science and technology innovation special planning "to say, on the whole, China's medical device innovation as a whole is still tracking the main imitation, the relevant technology base still need to further strengthen the common key technology And important core components need to be further breakthrough, for the interdisciplinary, cross-cutting, cross-industry technology integration still need to strengthen, "production - learning - research - medical - seizure" is not close enough, medical research and cooperation with innovation mechanism yet sound, The Innovative Model of Medical Device Technology Industry Needs to be Optimized.


"Now we are everywhere innovative, the number of many, but the quality is indeed to be improved.We have independent intellectual property rights can be sold to the world, while technology-leading products, is still relatively small." Jiang Feng said that the real innovation, should Is for the global market.

Domestic high-end medical equipment breakthrough cardiac pacemaker dependent on imports of change day